AssetWise Inspections

Asset Types

AssetWise Inspections provides the ability for users to perform inspections on any kind of asset through the use of asset types. Asset types are what classify the assets and may include bridges, culverts, signs, railways, and more. Asset types determine how assets function within the system and can be considered the root configuration from which several other configurations, including inspection types and report types, are determined.

To edit an existing asset type, click the symbol for the desired asset type. The process will be very similar to creating a new asset type as described below.

Create New Asset Type

To create a new asset type, click the Create button in the top right corner of the screen. The user will be taken to a new page to enter information about the new asset type:
  • General Tab Name – The Name textbox is a mandatory field, as denoted by the *. It is used to name the asset type and should be indicative of the type's intended purpose.
  • Description – The Description textbox can be used to enter a description of the asset type. It is not required in order for the asset type to be saved.
  • Default Report Type – The Default Report Type drop-down assigns the report type that defaults to any assets of this type created in Manage Inventory.
  • Save and Cancel – The Save and Cancel buttons are located at the bottom center of the screen.
    • The Save button saves the changes made to the asset type.
    • The Cancel button cancels any changes made to the asset type.
  • Delete – Once the asset type is saved, the Delete button becomes available in the top right corner of the screen. Click Delete to delete the currently selected asset type. Note: If the asset type currently has assets assigned to it, the deletion cannot be completed.
    • Once the asset type is given a name and is saved, the Report Types, Asset Detail Page Fields, and Advanced tabs will appear:
  • Report Types Tab – The Report Types tab allows the admin to check the box of any of the report types that should be made available to the currently selected asset type. If a report type is checked, this means that assets under the currently selected asset type can have an inspection report created with the checked report type.
    Note: This setting can also be configured on the Report Types configuration page.
  • Asset Detail Page Fields Tab – The Asset Detail Page Fields tab allows the admin to determine exactly what information is displayed in the Quick View tab breakdown of the Asset Details page for assets of the selected asset type.
    • The grid displays all of the items currently included in the Quick View tab's information. To change the order of the items, use the icons. To edit an item, use the icon. To delete an item, use the icon.
    • To add a new item to the grid, click the Create drop-down button and select one of the options: Report Field Detail, URL Detail, or Extra Detail Field.
  • Report Field Detail – The Report Field Detail option allows the admin to select report fields to have their asset-specific information displayed on the Quick View tab.
    • Use the Available Report Fields tree to select fields to be displayed. When a field is selected, click the button to add it to the Displayed Fields listbox. Use the And buttons to change the order of the items in the listbox. Use the button to delete the selected field from the listbox.
      Note: This popup is for a single line of information on the Quick View tab. Therefore, if multiple fields are added at one time, they will be included in the same line. The top item in the Displayed Fields listbox will be the left-most item displayed in the line on the Quick View tab.
    • When the desired selections are made, click the OK button. To cancel the changes, click the Cancel button.
  • URL Detail – The URL Detail option allows the admin to add a URL to the Quick View tab. This URL can even contain variables that change it based on the asset name or the asset code.
    • The following example will be used to help explain how to use the URL Detail option: Company Website:
    • The Displayed Label textbox indicates the label for the web address. The above example's displayed label is "Company Website."
    • The URL Display Text textbox indicates the text for the clickable link. This can simply be the web address, but does not have to be. The above example's displayed label is ""
    • The Site URL textbox indicates the actual web address that the user will be taken to when clicking on the displayed label. For instance, in the above example the displayed label is "" However, if the displayed label was changed to "Click Here," the user would still be taken to because the site URL was entered as ""
  • URL Variables – Adding URL variables allows the admin to make the site URL personalized for each asset. So, rather than direct users to the same web address regardless of which asset's Asset Details page is being visited at the time, users can be directed to a specific page of the website based on asset name or asset code.
    • To add a URL variable, click the icon:
      • Use the URL Variable drop-down button to choose whether to base the variable on asset name or asset code. Because asset name and asset code are the only variable options, only two variables can be added. To add the second variable, click the icon.
      • To delete a variable, click the icon.
      • The Final URL Link text will display the text entered into the Site URL textbox as well as any text from the variables. Example: If your website is and you have an individual page for each asset, an example of a typical web address might be
      • In order to achieve the proper links on the Asset Details pages, the Site URL textbox entry would be "" and an asset name variable would be added with a "/" to produce the final URL. Most examples won't be as simple as adding a "/" for the variable, but the concept is the same regardless of the URL complexity.
      • Click the OK button to save the URL details.
      • Click the Cancel button to cancel the URL details changes.
  • Extra Detail Field – The Extra Detail Field option contains Displayed Label and Displayed Value textboxes to add any additional information desired.
    • Click the OK button to save the URL details.
    • Click the Cancel button to cancel the URL details changes.